Monday, June 8, 2015

Day 12 June 8 Bringing Dusty Weather a Home

We put in a full day today - about 12 1/2 hours.
I was proud of myself for getting up so early, until I noticed several oyster fishermen already at work. Their day had started long before mine, and they were working much harder than I would today.

There were lots of dolphin today, and although lots of them swam in our bow wake, they didn't stay there near as long as the ones yesterday did. They would swim toward the boat, and if Glenda or I hurried to the bow, we could watch them for just a minute, then they were gone.

When we entered St. Andrews Bay, we started seeing commercial boats for the first time of the whole trip. As we got near Panama City, we saw a HUGE cargo ship, the "Star Laguna" coming around the point toward us. After it was safely past us, I looked up its registration info and found that it was from Norway, and its length was 204 meters and beam was 32 meters. Gross tonnage was 50,000 tons + !
You would not want to get in his way.
The Star Laguna. The very large tug in front gives you some perspective of the size.

We called the Ft. Walton City Managers office and got permission to stay at the city docks. We stayed there once before on the KnotSoFast several years ago. The docks are part of a City park, and within walking distance of a Publix.

Tomorrow we cross the FL/AL line and be back in our home State.😄


Glenda says:
Another nice mix of open water and narrow intercostal waterway.  We enjoyed the fun of more dolphins and all the wonderful water birds that are so fun to watch.  

We got away early, about 5:45 and did not pull into Ft Walton city docks until after six, so my comments may be tainted by feeling so tired.  We made a brief stop at Panama City docks for ice and a potty break for Daisy.  I drove a good bit today and Tom laid down in the pilothouse for a few minutes.  The water on the large Chocowhatcee bay was choppy but still quite comfortable.  I'm afraid knotsofast would have had trouble with it.  I was able to catch sight of a couple of military jets this morning and that's always impressive.  Docking is still intimidating to me and I'm still fearful I'm gonna end up in the water when I'm trying to get on and off the boat (remember I'm really tired right now.). We walked a couple of blocks over to Publix and got chicken wings for dinner.  As we hurried back through the traffic with our packages I told Tom I was still looking for the romance in boating, so far it has been a lot of hard work (remember I'm really tired right now.). The wings were good, the breeze feels nice and Tom took the garbage away for me.  Now let's see if he'll take Daisy off to potty one more time😜

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